

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 commissioned JLL to conduct a research study analyzing trends driving businesses to Chicago 和 identifying some of the challenges facing our city that must be fixed to ensure Chicago remains an exceptional corporate destination. The study was also intended to exp和 upon previous Economic Impact Studies commissioned in 2017, 2012年和2006年.

我们很高兴分享我们最新的经济影响系列报告, 为什么十大网赌靠谱网址平台? 你可以 查看报告全文 和 查看分析.


绝大多数, the most important consideration for companies when deciding whether to choose Chicago was talent.

全国失业率为4%, 再加上十大网赌靠谱网址平台是美国受教育程度最高的大城市, 这并不令人震惊. 然而, what is surprising is the margin between talent 和 other choices. 超过60%的人认为人才是主要因素. It beat out access to customers (15 percent); costs like build-outs 和 property taxes (12 percent); 和 br和ing 和 the ability to boost visibility 和 image (5 percent).

为了保持这一势头,继续吸引更多的公司来十大网赌靠谱网址平台, we can’t lose sight of the challenges facing the city that are often barriers to entry. 然而, we can further examine what’s effectively drawing businesses to Chicago 和 figure out how we can amplify those attributes.


进一步挖掘人才, we found that acquiring talent within the tech industry is of the utmost importance 和 has the greatest impact.

科技目前是我们当地经济增长最快的部门. Part of this is due to having the lowest wages among the top cities for tech employment.例如, operating a tech office in Chicago as opposed to Silicon Valley can save a company more than $46,每名员工000, 每年. Combined with the relative low cost of living, this is a huge advantage for businesses.


One of the biggest appeals of Chicago for attracting talent – particularly young professionals – is its culture.

在所有的社区, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台有丰富的文化和娱乐, 拥有世界知名的餐厅, 蓬勃发展的音乐和戏剧场景, 以及其他文化体验, 在这个城市里,可做的事并不缺少. 这在千禧一代中尤为重要, 众所周知,谁更喜欢体验而不是商品.

事实上, 更多的年轻, educated professionals are choosing to move downtown over the suburbs in Chicago than any other city in the U.S. The Central Business District (CBD) is growing faster than previous years as a result. 现在, 79%的CBD居民拥有学士学位或更高学历, 哪个比全国平均水平高30%. The presence of young, educated millennials living in Chicago’s downtown has grown 15.最近几年下降了3%.


With 更多的年轻 professionals 和 businesses coming into the city, where are they all going? 好消息是并不是只有一个热点. 实际上,一些有前途的领域正在迅速发展.

为更多的增长做好准备-富尔顿市场已经有36个.自2010年以来,人口增长了6%, 比中央商务区其他任何地方都要多. 与此同时,北河则增加了14人.8%. 集体, 中央环线和东环线的房价上涨了14%, 南环线增加了11%.8%.

Highest productivity – Nearly 46 percent of respondents named the West Loop as the most productive submarket for business

Future prosperity – 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 58% of respondents identified the West Loop as the most interesting submarket for the future, 紧随其后的是River North(46%)和Fulton Market (34%).6%).

无论是客户会议还是日常通勤, the ability to connect neighborhoods is important to businesses considering Chicago. Close proximity to airports also adds to the ease of business travel for employees. 幸运的是,十大网赌靠谱网址平台在这两个方面都表现良好.


Chicagoans benefit from having two international airports: O’Hare 和 Midway. 加在一起,它们提供了超过1.2017年总共飞行100万次. Both are easily accessible with 50-minute average driving times 和 an average of 40 minutes on public transit from downtown – outperforming both New York 和 Los Angeles.

Even though Chicago ranks better than national average on the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card, 需要做的还有很多. 值得庆幸的是,它是.

There is good news on the horizon for Chicago’s transportation infrastructure, including:

  • 奥黑尔机场的大规模扩张即将到来
  • Express train from downtown to O’Hare in 12 minutes proposed (versus current 45-50 minutes)
  • Potential for more than $1 billion investment for Union Station 和 commuter rail improvements

那太好了. 但我们在哪里可以改进?

毫无疑问,十大网赌靠谱网址平台在许多领域都表现出色. 然而, we’d be naïve not to recognize there are several concerns 和 areas for improvement needed in the eyes of businesses.

Dysfunctional politics –– Chicago 和 Illinois both have a history of political discord, resulting in a polarized environment that has driven a wedge between elected officials 和 disrupted compromise needed to pass fiscally-sound budgets. 使情况更加复杂, 伊利诺伊州的政府单位比其他任何一个州都多,有近7个,000个政府组织, 导致任务重复和重叠.

Violent crime – We have the unfortunate national reputation as a city filled with violent crime. 然而, 在过去的20年里,十大网赌靠谱网址平台的总体犯罪率有所下降, 尽管近年来有所上升. Violent crime is concentrated in certain areas of the city with the Central Business District experiencing one-third or less crime than parts of the south 和 west sides.

High taxes – Chicago 和 Illinois have historically been challenged by budget shortfalls 和 rising expenses. Truth in Accounting (TIA) ranks Chicago’s fiscal health 74th out of 75 of the most populous cities, 在TIA的评分标准上获得了“F”. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台有40美元的长期债务.5 billion, which equates to $45,200 for every Chicago taxpayer, mostly due to pension obligations. 更糟糕的是,伊利诺伊州有216美元.不足10亿元,相当于个别纳税人负担50,800元.

These are all very serious challenges that are weighed heavily by companies considering Chicago as a site location. At present, many feel that the pros outweigh the cons, as shown by Chicago’s strong economy. 然而,这些问题必须得到解决.

作为十大网赌靠谱网址平台人,我们都在一起努力寻求解决方案. 纵观我们的历史, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 has been an unwavering advocate for the commercial real estate industry. We will continue down this path 和 work closely with our elected 和 appointed officials to make this city an even better home for businesses 和 residents alike.

当然,我们也鼓励你参与进来. 让我们成为有效的倡导者, we also look to our membership to make your voices heard 和 to support our calls to action when the need arises.

感谢我们的董事会, Communications Committee 和 JLL for their continued guidance 和 support in developing this series.